Monday, November 28, 2011

Eggless Flan variation 2

While I liked the taste of my eggless pumpkin flan, i didn't like the texture and appearance. So I started experimenting more. Here is what I came up with over the summer.

Yeild: 2 9inch flans

"Bake Time":  60 mins. (steam in a pie pan over boiling water, make sure you check the water from time to time to make sure it isn't boiled off in the process.)

Prep Time: 5-10 mins

1 cup sugar
1 can sweetened condenced milk
4 cups plain or vanilla flavored greek yogurt
1 TBS vanilla

Assembly: Carmelized the one cup sugar and pour half in to the bottom of each pie pan. Then in a mixing bowl combind the milk, yogurt and vanilla. Stir till blended smoothly then divide evenly between the pie pans.

Bring the water to a boil, turn down the heat to about medium/medium-high. Place the pie pan over the pan of boiling water (use a small cookie cooling rack if the pie pan can't just hang on the boiling pans mouth). and let it steam for an hour.

After it's done steaming, chill it over night to help with the final solidification process. Though it'll probably be ready after it's cooled if you really want to eat sooner.

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